Air Conditioning Freezing Up: A Common Summer Woe for San Angelo Residents

A man sits in front of a partially frozen air conditioner as a customer stands behind him worried the Air Conditioner is done for good.

As the scorching Texas summer sets in, there's one inconvenience that many San Angelo residents are all too familiar with: air conditioning units freezing up. The relief of a cool, comfortable home can quickly turn into frustration when you're met with icy coils and warm air blowing from your vents. But fear not, because in this blog, we'll delve into the causes behind air conditioning freezing up, how to prevent it, and what steps you can take to thaw out your unit and restore your home to its refreshing oasis. So sit back, grab a glass of sweet tea, and let's tackle this common summer woe together.

AC Unit Freezing Up: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

Air conditioners freezing up can be a perplexing problem, especially when you're relying on them to keep you cool during the sweltering heat of a San Angelo summer. Several factors contribute to this frustrating phenomenon:

  1. Poor Airflow: Restricted airflow is one of the primary culprits behind air conditioner freeze-ups. When airflow is obstructed, such as by dirty air filters, blocked vents, or closed registers, the evaporator coil can't absorb enough heat from the air passing over it. This can cause moisture on the coil to freeze, leading to ice buildup.

  2. Low Refrigerant Levels: Refrigerant is essential for the cooling process in your air conditioner. If there's a leak in the system or the refrigerant levels are too low, it can result in an imbalance that causes the evaporator coil to become excessively cold, leading to freezing.

  3. Thermostat Issues: Sometimes, thermostat malfunctions can cause the air conditioner to run continuously without cycling off, even when the desired temperature is reached. This constant operation can lead to the evaporator coil becoming too cold and freezing up.

  4. Outdoor Temperatures: While it might seem counterintuitive, extremely hot outdoor temperatures can also contribute to air conditioner freeze-ups. When the outdoor temperature is exceptionally high, the air conditioner may struggle to release enough heat from the condenser coil, causing the refrigerant inside to remain too cold.

Understanding these common causes of air conditioner freeze-ups is the first step towards preventing them and ensuring uninterrupted comfort throughout the San Angelo summer.

Common Fixes for Your Air Conditioner Freezing Up

When faced with an air conditioner freezing up, it's essential to take swift action to prevent further damage and restore cooling efficiency. While some solutions require professional expertise, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue before calling in the experts:

  1. Turn Off the AC: If you notice ice buildup on your air conditioner's coils or vents, the first thing you should do is turn off the unit. Continuing to run the AC while it's frozen can exacerbate the problem and potentially damage the system further.

  2. Check Air Filters: Dirty or clogged air filters restrict airflow, leading to insufficient heat absorption by the evaporator coil and potential freezing. Check your air filters and replace them if they're dirty or clogged to improve airflow and prevent future freeze-ups.

  3. Clear Air Vents and Registers: Ensure that all air vents and registers throughout your home are open and unobstructed. Blocked vents can disrupt airflow, contributing to freeze-ups.

  4. Inspect the Thermostat: Check your thermostat settings to ensure that the temperature is set correctly and the system is cycling on and off as it should. If you suspect a thermostat malfunction, consider calling a professional to diagnose and repair the issue.

  5. Allow for Thawing: Once you've turned off the AC, allow it time to thaw out completely before attempting to restart it. This may take several hours, depending on the extent of the ice buildup.

  6. Schedule Professional Maintenance: Some problems don’t just go away on their own. You may need to call in someone when issues persist.

Remember, attempting to repair complex AC issues yourself can be risky and may void warranties. When in doubt, it's always best to seek assistance from a qualified professional to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your air conditioning system.

Preventing Air Conditioners from Freezing Up

Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding the inconvenience and potential damage caused by air conditioner freeze-ups. Here are some proactive measures you can take to keep your AC running smoothly throughout the San Angelo summer:

  1. Regularly Replace Air Filters: Make it a habit to check and replace your air filters every 1-3 months, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Clean filters promote proper airflow, reducing the risk of ice buildup on the evaporator coil.

  2. Maintain Adequate Airflow: Ensure that air vents and registers are open and unobstructed to allow for unrestricted airflow throughout your home. Avoid placing furniture or other objects in front of vents that could impede airflow.

  3. Schedule Professional Maintenance: Don't wait for problems to arise before calling in a professional HVAC technician. Schedule annual maintenance visits to have your air conditioner inspected, cleaned, and serviced to keep it operating efficiently and prevent potential issues.

  4. Monitor Outdoor Temperatures: Be mindful of extreme outdoor temperatures, especially during peak summer months. On exceptionally hot days, consider using ceiling fans or portable fans to help circulate air and alleviate some of the strain on your air conditioner.

  5. Install a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat allows you to set customized temperature schedules based on your daily routines, helping to prevent the air conditioner from running excessively and reducing the risk of freeze-ups.

  6. Ensure Proper Insulation: Proper insulation in your home helps maintain consistent indoor temperatures and reduces the workload on your air conditioner. Insulate doors, windows, and ductwork to minimize heat transfer and maximize energy efficiency.

By incorporating these preventive measures into your air conditioning maintenance routine, you can minimize the likelihood of freeze-ups and enjoy uninterrupted comfort throughout the summer months in San Angelo.


Air conditioner freeze-ups can quickly turn a hot summer day into a frustrating ordeal, but with proactive maintenance and preventive measures, you can keep your cooling system running smoothly and efficiently. By regularly replacing air filters, maintaining adequate airflow, scheduling professional maintenance, and investing in a programmable thermostat, you can minimize the risk of freeze-ups and ensure uninterrupted comfort in your San Angelo home.

When faced with a frozen air conditioner or any other HVAC issue, you don't have to tackle it alone. Superior Services, a professional HVAC company, offers expert assistance to help diagnose and resolve your AC problems promptly and effectively. Whether it's a simple repair, routine maintenance, or a more complex issue requiring professional attention, their team of skilled technicians is ready to provide reliable service and restore your cooling system to optimal performance. With Superior Services by your side, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home comfort is in capable hands.


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